
Excellent4 widget and code image

Supercharge your ERP and invoice software with our embedded financing solution

provide the cash flow and working capital your customers need

Why embedded finance?

Focuses on growth

Focuses on growth

Increase your transaction volume and boost your revenue

Diverse options

Diverse options

Financing products tailored to each transaction and customer profile

Easy coding

Easy coding

Seemlessly integrate financing capabilities

We are the engine that allows customer software to provide the right financing product to customers, according to each transaction profile.

To increase economic opportunities for SMEs in a seamless cash flow environment.

How Excellent4 works

Provide cash flow for SMEs with the right options according to each transaction and customer profile.

API integration for E4
E4 steps

Step 1: KYC & KYB

The user only has to do the onboarding once to use the financing services. We take care of all the legal demands and complexity to ensure compliance and a smooth process.

Step 2: User Application & Approval

Your customer chooses the invoice most suitable finance product, and our advanced algorithms quickly assess risk to provide instant approval decisions. 

Step 3: Transfer funds

After approval, the user receives the contract and once signed the funds are transferred. We take care of customer support and collection for you. 

E4 API orchestrating finance solution

Credendo's 100 years of history in a single API

Orchestration Financing Solution

Providing cash flow for micro, small, medium and large enterprises.

Orchestration finance API

Instant Loans: Secure quick and hassle-free loans of up to 60,000 EUR, providing immediate financial relief to your users.


Flexibility: Let your users take control. They decide the loan maturity – with options stretching up to 120 days – and the product according to each transaction and customer profile.


Affordability: Our competitive rates are tailored to match the risk profile of each customer and transaction, ensuring a fair and affordable financing solution.

From Validation to Growth

Integrate our Validation API and display a call to action to your customers to check their eligibility to apply for financing.

Estimated time to implement: 2 days

Set up and measure market traction for invoice financing with your own customer base. 


Set up and measure market traction for invoice financing with your customer base 


Define the integration requirements and roadmap; set goals for the first integration 


Offer your clients a white-labelled one-click financing product under EU regulation 

De-risk your transactions and get paid instantly
Portrait photo of Adalberto Rodrigues, MISSION42 venture builder

Validate your customer base

Hi, I'm Adalberto. Are you ready to elevate your ERP or invoice software to the next level?

Book a meeting with me to validate your customer base and quantify the opportunity.

Join us in reshaping the future of finance.

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